Well, I feel slightly tossed across the globe right now - as if I'm a child thrown up in the air by my everlasting Dad... wondering how high my little body will soar before an exhilarating turning point thanks to a sudden gravitational invitation. I know I'll be caught precicely at the right time after seeming to fall, but as Brooke Fraser (New Zealand-born singer/song-writer, at Hillsong) said recently, God is 'creatively faithful' - - we never know exactly how He'll come through for us!
My beautiful 26-year-old sister & her amazing husband (see http://snapshots-of-life-overseas.blogspot.com/) are faced with the adventure of adjusting to a completely new way of life teaching English in S. Korea for a year. In comparison, my transition to life in Australia seems ridiculously easy! I am settled into an English-speaking, Western country where my skin/hair colour aren't noticed, and my Canadian accent is no more than a conversation starter. Wow! How do you do it, Em & Trent?! I'm glad that God knows our limit, and enables us to go just a little (or lot!) further than we thought we could, with His direction, comfort, closeness & limitless strength. We can never get away from the fact that He loves us unbelievably! :)
'(His) love has always been our lives' foundation,
(his) fidelity has been the roof over our world'
-- Psalm 89:3 The Message.
Seeing that it's Thanksgiving in Canada, I thought I'd share some things I'm really grateful for..
Communication is definitely at the top! ... whether long, late-night sisters' chats or quick morning calls to my mum & dad, or spontaneous conversations sitting in a random hallway near the local food court / shops while bathroom-seeking customers curiously happen by... I absolutely love every minute!! Then there's food - how can we forget it, around Thanksgiving - like the variety that my housemates eat. Something I recommend from my Japanese housemate is stirring soy sauce in with eggs before frying... yum! She makes a compact, adorable lunch box each day, with mini portions of rice, veggies, fish, & soy/egg - I'm inspired to steal every idea I can!
Here are a few random blessings which I too often take for granted...
a bargain on a box of Twining's Earl Grey Tea,
neighbours who are in love with Jesus & invite us in to chat over tea & 'biscuits',
people's generosity in driving us home after Wednesday night worship/rehearsal etc.,
backpackersunited.org & other groups' stand for justice,
having to walk to church/college several times a week - good exercise & fresh, construction-enhanced pollution!,
computers & internet & Dad's long-distance assistance/expertise,
too many great books to read all at once,
brilliant practical teaching day after day at college & church,
not having a dishwasher or dryer (lower water/electricity bill),
friends of all different nationalities & cultures & languages to get to know better,
Australian beaches, TimTams (chocolate cookies), & occasional trips to Sydney's finest flea markets (wish you were here, Becky!) :P
I could go on all day, really, and I think that's what I'll try to do since all day my Maker pours out life/friendships/scenery/love/understanding and I hardly even blink in response!
'God is all mercy and grace--not quick to anger, is rich in love. All eyes are on you, expectant; you give them their meals on time. Generous to a fault, you lavish your favor on all creatures. Everything God does is right--the trademark on all his works is love'
(Psalm 145:8, 15-17, The Message paraphrase by Eugene Peterson).
hey girl... i think every country takes adjusting to, no matter our skin colour or culture differences... i am very proud of you and loved reading this blog. em.
wow, i enjoy the colour! i also appreciate your words, allison - you are a gifted writer!
well, i had thought that i'd commented, but seeing as i haven't and you won't post until you've had more comments, i guess i shall :) i miss you, my dear! please continue to share more of your heart with us through this blog, for it is a huge heart and we have much to learn from you!
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