Saturday, October 7

up in the air but hugged in his grace

Well, I feel slightly tossed across the globe right now - as if I'm a child thrown up in the air by my everlasting Dad... wondering how high my little body will soar before an exhilarating turning point thanks to a sudden gravitational invitation. I know I'll be caught precicely at the right time after seeming to fall, but as Brooke Fraser (New Zealand-born singer/song-writer, at Hillsong) said recently, God is 'creatively faithful' - - we never know exactly how He'll come through for us!
My beautiful 26-year-old sister & her amazing husband (see are faced with the adventure of adjusting to a completely new way of life teaching English in S. Korea for a year. In comparison, my transition to life in Australia seems ridiculously easy! I am settled into an English-speaking, Western country where my skin/hair colour aren't noticed, and my Canadian accent is no more than a conversation starter. Wow! How do you do it, Em & Trent?! I'm glad that God knows our limit, and enables us to go just a little (or lot!) further than we thought we could, with His direction, comfort, closeness & limitless strength. We can never get away from the fact that He loves us unbelievably! :)

'(His) love has always been our lives' foundation,
(his) fidelity has been the roof over our world'
-- Psalm 89:3 The Message.

Seeing that it's Thanksgiving in Canada, I thought I'd share some things I'm really grateful for..
Communication is definitely at the top! ... whether long, late-night sisters' chats or quick morning calls to my mum & dad, or spontaneous conversations sitting in a random hallway near the local food court / shops while bathroom-seeking customers curiously happen by... I absolutely love every minute!! Then there's food - how can we forget it, around Thanksgiving - like the variety that my housemates eat. Something I recommend from my Japanese housemate is stirring soy sauce in with eggs before frying... yum! She makes a compact, adorable lunch box each day, with mini portions of rice, veggies, fish, & soy/egg - I'm inspired to steal every idea I can!
Here are a few random blessings which I too often take for granted...
a bargain on a box of Twining's Earl Grey Tea,
neighbours who are in love with Jesus & invite us in to chat over tea & 'biscuits',
people's generosity in driving us home after Wednesday night worship/rehearsal etc., & other groups' stand for justice,
having to walk to church/college several times a week - good exercise & fresh, construction-enhanced pollution!,
computers & internet & Dad's long-distance assistance/expertise,
too many great books to read all at once,
brilliant practical teaching day after day at college & church,
not having a dishwasher or dryer (lower water/electricity bill),
friends of all different nationalities & cultures & languages to get to know better,
Australian beaches, TimTams (chocolate cookies), & occasional trips to Sydney's finest flea markets (wish you were here, Becky!) :P
I could go on all day, really, and I think that's what I'll try to do since all day my Maker pours out life/friendships/scenery/love/understanding and I hardly even blink in response!

'God is all mercy and grace--not quick to anger, is rich in love. All eyes are on you, expectant; you give them their meals on time. Generous to a fault, you lavish your favor on all creatures. Everything God does is right--the trademark on all his works is love'
(Psalm 145:8, 15-17, The Message paraphrase by Eugene Peterson).

Monday, October 2

all the while...

Does it ever seem to you that typing a blog is pointless if it's going to be erased accidentally once the written thought is complete? I seem to have a hidden psychotic affiliation with deleting my own blog after many strenuous minutes of contemplation and exertion! Please forgive any subtle frustration in this post... I must admit I was tempted to forever reject the idea of blogging after tonight's incident.
let's think about life in 2006 AD. What comes to mind? 2006. I think of a history of amazing feats & heroic appeals for justice; ugly jealousy & malice; creativity & education (whether richly indulged in or lacking to the point of cruel embarrassment); a mix & match of war & peace & fragments of families; scattering languages & cultures; technological development - all the while relationships being shoved despairlingly, foolishly, beneath financial gain's cellar... soon forgotten & rotten.

I wonder why we don't more often learn from our elders, & why we choose not to listen more readily to wisdom - from a toddler's inquisitive mouth or from the man down the street whose children moved out (emotionally, relationally) long before they changed address.
If we were the only generation left before Jesus returns, would we consider more wisely the outcome of our thoughts, actions, speech & priorities? Would we be consistent? Would we care? I wonder.

All the while.. I wonder what's going on now, as we speak, as we live day by day. I sometimes wonder what effect one life could have on a nation, a church, a family, a child - the future seems so elusive, like it's either a mysterious thief of our dreams & plans, or like a flighty fairy that always dances just in front, colouring our path with soft & beautiful sprinkles of hope.

We can never know what's happening 'all the while' - now is all we have, and our finite minds couldn't handle a teaspoon of God's super-galactic ;) knowledge even if our life depended on it. Thankfully, my life doesn't depend on knowing tomorrow's treasures or troubles, victories or griefs... Knowing my God is enough, & having His love, guidance, strength & peace will be my security (not my blogging skills!).

Remember, your life is not a post which could be erased as easily & foolishly as mine often are... your life was purposed deep in the heart & mind of our Father 'before' time even arrived.
'Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in your book they were all written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them. Search me, o God, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.' (Psalm 139: 16,23,24)
Knowing what really happens during your life (all the eternity-shaping moments with friends & strangers, love & forgiveness, conversations whether in-depth or light-hearted, life-changing decisions, cultural/relational/educational/spiritual breakthrough) has already been seen & counted in heaven! Just imagine what could happen all the while you're simply doing life alongside the One who gently, firmly holds & preserves your future & mine.

Please remind me to keep life in perspective by learning to trust Jesus' priorities & promises instead of Sydney's. May we see our day's interaction, contemplation, words & activities as part of heaven's communication with people rather than personal, independent functions. We are His, & the Lord is eternal... never underestimate the lasting effect of our daily lives of love!

Our expectation is in Him, and He will make great things happen by His Spirit's might all the while... miracles are taking place all over the world in hearts & lives as we speak! How exciting that my life is not as isolated as Australia feels. :) Jesus said, 'you didn't choose me, remember; I chose you, and put you in the world to bear fruit, fruit that won't spoil. [If you keep my commands, you'll remain intimately at home in my love... when you're joined with me.. the harvest is sure to be abundant. Separated, you can't produce a thing] As fruit bearers , whatever you ask the Father in relation to me, he gives you. But remember the root command: love one another.'

-- John chapter 15, a mix of verses 4,5,9,16,17 paraphrased by Eugene Peterson in the Message]