Monday, September 11

rainy day reflections

more to come!! :)
once I figure out how to rewrite what I just erased in a moment of technological insanity, I'll let you know... I'm excited to have a blog but am struggling slightly with titles being in Japanese! much love to you all! I'll have pictures up & lines painted before you know it...
I hope! :)


kanadians in korea said...

yay!!!!!!!!! i'm so excited you have a blog! how come everything is in japanese? that must be a pain. everything on my computer's korean. anyway, love you and can't wait to see some pics/read some of your 'painted' words :) em.

Ernest Dow said...

I protest! I don't think those two words belong together - "technological insanity"; must be an oxymoron.
Seriously, I'm excited to see your contribution and will add you to the list of our prolific family's blogs in our 'morning sniff.html'.
Love from your geeky Dad

Ernest Dow said...

welcome to the wonderful world of blogging, from which i've been absent for a good season or so. if you're actually beginning to post, i better get back at it too! i feel all your pain with japanese and korean keyboards; spanish is probably easier to understand, but still it made typing in guatemala interesting!

meredow said...

sorry, dad, but i'll have to disagree with you about 'technological insanity' being an oxymoron, as i just accidentally posted/posed as you!

Ernest Dow said...

I'm thrilled Allie that you've dared take the challenge and start your own blog - It's fascinating,creative and I didn't realize that we had another wordsmith in the family. Love you and look forward to many more